Volume 6, Issue 2: On Apathy


Deadline for Submissions: Monday, January 31, 2022

Process: Journal of Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Scholarship invites submissions for Issue 6.2, On Apathy. For this issue, we seek thought-provoking, critical work from a range of disciplines and perspectives. Approaches to the topic might consider but are not limited to:

  • Social, emotional, mental, and/or physical fatigue/burnout

  • Desire to detach from reality

  • Lack of emotional engagement and motivation

  • Relationships to “The Great Resignation”

  • COVID apathy/vaccine apathy

  • Apathy standing in the way of institutional change

  • Apathy precluding social change

We accept two general types of submissions: critical essays and non-traditional (or multimodal) compositions, such as poems, short stories, or digital artifacts. All traditional essay submissions should be 2500–5000 words and follow the appropriate disciplinary guidelines with respect to style and citations. Please include a 250-word abstract outlining project goals and how the contribution meaningfully engages ongoing scholarly conversations. For non-traditional submissions, please expand the abstract to 500 words that details the project goals and articulates how the work would meaningfully add to ongoing critical conversations in the issue.

Please submit pieces for review by following the instructions on the Submissions page of the Process website and include your full name and email address on the submitted document.

Questions may be directed to the editorial board at processj@uw.edu. This issue of Process will focus on apathy. Be aware that general submissions not related to this theme, if accepted, will be saved for a suitable future issue at the discretion of the editorial board.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Monday, January 31, 2022